One HUGE Mistake You're Making on Your Journey with Food
/It kept me holding on to physical and emotional weight for years.
Prioritizing aesthetic #bodygoals over my mental well-being.
Me out there focusing on my mental/soul well-being!
From the outside, I was eating the vegetables and the lean proteins while working out seven days per week for months.
I’d then have huge nights out drinking, binge on the foods I wasn’t allowing myself to have, and would restrict heavily throughout the week to compensate.
Some viewed me as balanced due to my propensity to drink a lot and eat loads of veggies simultaneously, but I was a HOT MESS internally!
As I began to pay more attention to the women around me who were also binge drinking—yet maintaining six packs—I realized that they were hot messes too.
They were starving themselves to fit the mold.
We were all trapped in a war inside of our own heads, regardless of how we appeared externally.
Pretty grim, no?
I firmly believe we don’t have a food problem as a society.
We have a self-worth problem.
Chasing body goals to find it, or using food to fill the void. The pursuit is just the same!
The antidote?
Get to know yourself! So many of my clients come to me terrified to do introspective work, simply because they don’t know anything about themselves. Meditation and journaling is a great place to start!
See what’s out of alignment in your life. Relationships, where you live, career, lack of creative pursuits, etc. Get curious about what you’re really hungry for!
Fill your life up with shit that’s actually MEANINGFUL to you! Sure, nights out at bars can be fun, but are they really adding value when everything else feels empty?
I know it’s tempting to achieve your aesthetic goals first and THEN work on your internal landscape, but I’m guessing that approach hasn’t worked for you thus far.