Should You Be Tracking Your Food?

For the vast majority of women, I don't believe in tracking food.

Unless you’re using tracking coupled with a:

✔️Strong sense of self-worth & self-respect outside of your body (i.e. you’re not trying to hate yourself to change)

✔️Commitment to your body’s health over aesthetic goals.

✔️Commitment to your mental health over aesthetic goals.

✔️Solid understanding of your body’s biofeedback (digestion, hunger/fullness cues, menstrual cycle, sleep, performance in the gym, cravings, mood) and are attuned to these the ENTIRE time.

It’s not a good idea.

All of these should be met prior, and the reality is that most women just aren’t there!🥴

No shame in that either, as we’re bred by society to mistrust & hate our bodies. #yourenotalone

If you begin tracking your food without trust as the foundation, what do you think the result is going to be after the fact?

I don’t even want to know what it would take to calculate/track this meal! It would ruin my ability to tune into myself, though. That’s for sure.

I don’t even want to know what it would take to calculate/track this meal! It would ruin my ability to tune into myself, though. That’s for sure.

That’s right!

A total shit storm of mistrust.

This only furthers the cycle of not understanding your body & ignoring it.

Not to mention, who the fuck wants to spend their time entering food into an app for the rest of their lives?

I sure as hell don't, and I know most of you don't either.

If you’re a performance athlete and/or meet the criteria above, go for it! With a knowledgeable coach.

Otherwise, it’s not only unnecessary, but it could be incredibly detrimental to your overall well-being.🏻‍♀️

I’m curious, what is your history with tracking? Love it or hate it?